Letting down the nets

Nov. 23, 2009

Long day after several long days. I seldom go to bed before 3 these days. Had the final Friends of Sara volunteers meeting tonight. So much has come together and yet still so much to do. I sat all day in Sara’s hospital room today at the computer generating more publicity for the concert and e-mailing performers and staff about a zillion details. The staff felt sorry for her and made paper turkeys with her while I kept at it. Not my usual way of being with Sara. Why do I have to be the producer? Me with my sick kid, and husband with walking pneumonia. Me with a nasty cold to boot. Me just struggling along. Oh, whoop-ti-doodle…why not?

I forgot all about my Thanksgiving challenge. Today I am thankful for a man who’s going to fly all the way from Texas to sing this concert for my daughter. I’m thankful for his devoted fan club that is going to hand out flyers at the Christmas parade. I’m thankful for this peaceful hospital and the respiratory team doing the work that will allow me to sleep. I’m thankful for the kind reporter and photographer who got us a prominent place in the newspaper for the article that’s coming out in the Inquirer tomorrow. I’m thankful for my spunky little girl who gave a dramatic FAKE teething spell tonight just to get me to pick her up so she could fall asleep in my arms. Now that is beautiful. Oh, there is nothing like being loved. It makes all this hard work worth every minute. I’m thankful to God who gives the increase…and at this point He will have to because I’ve done just about everything I can do and I’m totally worn out. As far as I know not a single ticket has sold at the Ritz Box Office yet. We’ve sold several handfuls to devoted friends and there are many promises. If folks only knew how much we are depending on this being successful to continue moving forward. We need to get the focus back on Sara Ann and her therapies. So I have a little prayer:

Dear Lord,

Please sink the boats, just like you did for Peter when he caught all those fish. He knew there was nothing out there when you told him to go. He thought you were crazy, but he went anyway. Two dedicated ladies came to me wanting to do this concert 6 weeks ago. I thought they were crazy, but we are doing it anyway. We are casting our empty nets into the water Lord, no bait in them but a little faith.

Sink the boats with your abundance. Do it just to astound us and to bring You glory Lord. I’d love it. And if anyone knows how to do it Lord, it’s You, because You do it every moment. Life is a miracle Lord. Love is a miracle. Joy is a miracle too. If you are there, Lord, you are there giving the increase, healing and blessing and giving. Because that is the very nature of creation that grows and blooms and bears fruit. That is how it works. The essence of things is true goodness and growth and beauty. This is how You work Lord, isn’t it? Praise you Creator for thinking us all up.

Praise God with all our hearts. That is what we are going to do this coming Saturday. Dear Lord, I am officially inviting you to the Songs for Sara Benefit Concert right now. Bless the heart and soul of every single person that comes, each one according to their need. Bless You Lord. Thank you for the stream of blessings that have been coming to us and all the people involved, all the people that are going to gather to benefit our little girl. That is amazing in itself. I pray that every person there, Lord, walk out with a song in their heart, full of love, changed somehow, closer to You, the source of life. Touched by a little girl who can’t hold up her own head and can’t hold the pencil by herself, but when she does she wants to draw hearts. She knows they mean love. And doesn’t that say it all? Who wouldn’t fight night and day for the progress of a child who can do that?

I’ll be looking for you Lord. I’m saving you a front row seat. Oh, and I pray that my throat will clear up and that I get some rest his week so I can sing too! Thanks Lord, I love you. Amen


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