Tagged with " CP"
Little Victory…W-H-A-L-E

Little Victory…W-H-A-L-E

Little victory at the hospital this week. Yes Sara was in the hospital YET again…admission #132….another respiratory virus. So here is what happened. The occupational therapist came by to work with her. She’d heard that she could write hand over hand. I think few believe here that she can really write. So Sara wrote with her (not me) a little drawing of a whale. I said Sara tell her what […]

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She’s reading!!!

Here’s what Sara Ann did today. I gave her a big card that had the word “love” emblazoned on the front. I said, “Do you know what that says, Sara?” She paused. She looked. “Yah” she answered. “Tell me what it says.” Pause… pause. “You say it.” I didn’t give any hints. Pause …pause …pause….”Love”… “OMG!! You can read!!” I shouted. She giggled uncontrollably because she was so proud of […]

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Home sweet home

I went down to get a sandwich at the hospital and there they had a big turkey dinner. I burst into tears and I couldn’t stop crying. They gave me two of the biggest plates you ever saw and someone paid for it too. It was so good that I went back and gave the cooks free tickets to the concert. So when Hugh came to pick us up, I […]

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Letting down the nets

Nov. 23, 2009 Long day after several long days. I seldom go to bed before 3 these days. Had the final Friends of Sara volunteers meeting tonight. So much has come together and yet still so much to do. I sat all day in Sara’s hospital room today at the computer generating more publicity for the concert and e-mailing performers and staff about a zillion details. The staff felt sorry […]

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